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What is Alipsā (अलिप्सा) ?

Alipsā [ah-lip-sa] noun

Derived from Sanskrit, 'Alipsā' encapsulates the profound concept of "Freedom from desire or greed." 

"Alipsā" in Sanskrit is composed of the prefix "A-" meaning "not" or "without," and "Lipsā," which refers to "desire" or "greed." In a more everyday context, Alipsā embodies the state of being where one's actions are not driven by a pursuit of personal gain or an insatiable longing for material possessions but are instead motivated by a greater sense of purpose and the well-being of humanity as a whole. This powerful idea resonates with a sense of contentment and inner peace that comes from a deep satisfaction with what one has and an absence of greed for more.

Alipsā is like moving through life with open hands—taking what is needed with gratitude but without clinging.  It's an awakening to a life where joy comes from giving, where wealth is measured not just by what we accumulate but also by what we purposefully contribute. Our endeavors are rooted in the philosophy of nurturing selfless abundance and fostering happiness that is not tethered to material possessions but rather to the contentment of the soul.

This concept aligns perfectly with our mission, which emphasizes creating a society that practices 'selfless abundance' with a 'humanity-first approach.' We aim to foster a community where members inspire each other to lead a life of giving and supporting, rather than merely taking and accumulating. By promoting Alipsā, we encourage the realization that true happiness is independent of material wealth—it is a state of inner peace and contentment that arises when we live in harmony with our true nature and the natural world.

Alipsā is also integral to our goal of helping individuals realize the correct order of life's priorities: starting with inner peace and happiness, followed by health, and then wealth. It teaches that wealth is not an end in itself but a means to support a healthy and happy life for oneself and others. By embodying Alipsā, we aim to transition from ephemeral pleasures to a more profound and lasting state of equanimity, contentment, and harmony with all of existence.

Our Purpose

At Alipsa, we're driven by a powerful purpose: "Transcending people for creating positive abundance for self and nature." We believe that true abundance isn't about having more; it's about being more. It's a state where every individual is empowered to contribute positively, ensuring a thriving existence for themselves and the environment. Our dedication is to nurture this abundance through self-transformation and societal evolution. We aim to catalyze a shift towards creating a vibrant canvas of life's narrative where individual growth and nature's prosperity are in sync.

Our Vision

Our vision is to incept an exemplary community where the transformation of individuals and societies isn't just a dream but a tangible reality. We aspire to build a universe brimming with positivity and purpose by imbibing universal principles that advocate freedom from excessive desires. It's not just about living; it's about living right, with every action tuned to resonate with the universal symphony of growth and goodness.

Our Mission

Our mission is multifaceted yet singular in its goal: to cultivate a society where "selfless abundance with a humanity-first approach" is the norm. We strive to:

  • Foster a true helping community that inspires its members to tread the right path.
  • Promote a happiness that transcends materialistic dependencies.
  • Prioritize life's true values: Peace and happiness, followed by health and wealth.
  • Transition from transient pleasures to the equanimity of the self.
  • Encourage the appreciation and prosperity of nature.

Our mission is the compass that directs our voyage. We are dedicated to constructing a society that prioritizes humanity, where selfless abundance is not just a practice but a lifestyle. We are the custodians of a community that inspires its members to walk the path of righteousness, to find happiness beyond the physical realm, and to realize the true order of life's priorities: Peace, Health, then Wealth. Alipsa is about transitioning from fleeting pleasures to the serenity of equanimity and fostering an environment where nature doesn't just survive but thrives.

Our Team

Behind Alipsa is a team of visionary leaders, acclaimed mentors, and enthusiastic volunteers—all united by a shared commitment to our cause. Our team embodies the principles of Alipsa, working tirelessly to inspire and implement the changes we advocate. Each member brings a unique blend of expertise, empathy, and dedication, driving the organization forward and upward. Together, we are the architects of change, the nurturers of growth, and the forerunners of a new dawn. 

Our History

Alipsa's history is a chronicle of unwavering commitment and impactful change. From our modest beginnings to becoming a beacon of hope and transformation, our journey has been fueled by the belief in a better tomorrow. Each milestone reflects our deep-seated values and the countless lives we've touched. Our history isn't just a record of time; it's a testament to the power of collective action and the indomitable human spirit. It's a story of individuals coming together to form not just a community, but a movement—a testament to what can be achieved when we align our intentions with the greater good.